A registration form that makes people want to say "yes!"

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Efficient registration forms

Customizable and hassle-free

Use different types of fields to easily create intelligent forms that adapt to the typology of your contacts.

Example of an event registration form

Registration Confirmation

Automate sending messages

Program and customize to your graphic identity automated emails (or text messages) when a contact is registered. Summarize the information entered and communicate the event access modalities.

Example of an event registration confirmation email

Exceed your goals!

Track registrations in real-time

Follow the registration progress in real-time. Track indicators adapted to your event: latest registrations, typology, and graph statistics. Track and improve your event’s revenue with our ticketing solution.

Illustration of an event dashboard
And also ...

Event Invitation Listing

Secure the access to your conference registration

Import your contacts and limit access to the form by sending personal invitations or using an authentication portal.

Group registration

Attendees' guests management

Allow attendees to register their guests. Set different permissions for different types of contacts.

More than 3000 event plannersuse Digitevent for their corporate events!

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